New Study Says Eating “B**ty” Causes Cancer

eating b**ty

While it’s a known fact that smoking cigarettes can cause cancer, a new study has revealed that “anallingus, otherwise known as eating b**ty” can cause cancer too.

In recent year the popularity of eating b00ty has increased in most cultures. Now, scientists and study claims that it’s just best to stay away from the hole.

Scientists from the University of Texas have published a study which states, that the rectum and sphincter are typically lined with particular harmful carcinogens which could lead to cancer over a long period of exposure or contact. Doctor. Bruce Lane said:

“It could also lead to a particularly bad case of pink eye that we in the medical field call stink eye”

Many b00ty eaters are in an uproar claiming the study to have a gender bias, but Dr. Lane assures that “the study is 100% ethical and in no way, shape or form paid for by the Men’s Rights Activist group Free the Tongue,” a group who Dr. Bruce Lane helped form for the purpose of educating the public about the dangers of eating b00ty.

If you want to see the results of what will happen if you decide to eat the b00ty, take a look at the photo below of the young man who contracted mouth cancer from eating a b00ty. Watch out have been warned??

cancer from eating b**ty

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